
『北方民族文化シンポジウム報告書』 ISSN 0918-7715 
編集/北海道立北方民族博物館 発行/財団法人北方文化振興協会

【第31号】 平成29(2017)年3月24日発行   [シンポジウム日程 2016年10月15日〜10月16日]

第31回北方民族文化シンポジウム網走報告書 環北太平洋地域の伝統と文化 1.サハリン

Proceedings of the 31st International Abashiri Symposium
Tradition and Culture of North Pacific Rim Area 1 Sakhalin

A4判 52頁

「日本海・オホーツク海の島嶼世界における中世の概念」 (アレクサンダー ヴァシレフスキー)
To the Concept of the Middle Age of the Island World of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk (Alexander VASILEVSKI) pp.1-6

「サハリン/日本列島における新石器文化の環境適応」 (福田正宏・V.A.グリシェンコ)
The Adaptations of Neolithic Cultures in the Sakhalin/ Japanese Aschipelago (Masahiro Fukuda and V.A. Grishchenko) pp.7-12

Prehistoric Cultural Exchanges of Sakhalin and Hokkaido around the First Millennium A.D. (Toshiaki Kumaki) pp.13-18

The Invasion of Mongol Empire to Sakhalin Island and the Ainu (Kazuyuki Nakamura) pp.19-22

「17-19世紀のサハリン南部のアイヌによる天然資源利用システム研究の情報源としての地名学」(イーゴリ サマーリン)
Toponymy as the Source for the Study of Natural Resource Use System of Southern Sakhalin Ainu in XVII-XIX Centuries (Igor Samarin) pp.23-26

Northern Peoples of the Japan-Russia Relationship and the Sakhalin Island in the Second Half of the 19th Century (Shin'ichi Fumoto) pp.27-31

The Connection between the Cultures of Sakhalin Indigenous Peoples and Tourism in Abashiri (Masato Tamura) pp.33-37

「植民地時代・ポスト植民地時代におけるサハリン先住民の文化変容」(エカテリーナ グルズジェワ)
Cultural Change among the Indigenous Peoples of Sakhalin in the Colonial and Postcolonial Period (Ekaterina Gruzdeva) pp.39-44

Language Contact among Sakhalin Indigenous Peoples and Some Dialectal Features of the Uilta Language (Yoshiko Yamada) pp.45-52


【第32号】 平成30(2018)年3月23日発行   [シンポジウム日程 2017年10月7日〜10月8日]

第32回北方民族文化シンポジウム網走報告書 環北太平洋地域の伝統と文化 2.アムール下流域・沿海地方

Proceedings of the 32nd International Abashiri Symposium
Tradition and Culture of North Pacific Rim Area 2 Lower Amur River and Primorskii Krai

A4判 64頁

「考古学から見る渤海時代のロシア沿海地方」 (小嶋芳孝)
Archaeological Study about the Russian Primorskii Region during Bohai Period (Yoshitaka
KOJIMA) pp.1-6

「ロシア極東の金代女真遺跡:ロシア沿海地方を中心に」 (臼杵勲)
Jurchen Ruins of Jin Dynasty in Russian Far East (Isao USUKI) pp.7-12

Jurchen and Hulikai:The Rise of Wanyan Clan Seen from the Acquisition (Shinobu IGURO) pp.13-18

The Tribute Trade Between Ming Dynasty and the Indigenous People in the Lower Amur Basin (Kazuyuki NAKAMURA) pp.19-24

Hunting and Fishing in Lower Amur and Primorye Regions :Change of Their Equipment and Techniques (Shiro SASAKI) pp.25-32

「ウデヘの丸木舟ウトゥンゲ」(アンドレイ サマル)
Utungie,Dugout Canoe of Udehe (Andrei P. SAMER) pp.33-40

East Tungusic Languages from the Perspective of Areal Linguistics (Sangyub BAEK) pp.41-48

「アムール下流域における歴史的な民族接触の言語学的証拠について」(アレクサンドル ペヴノフ)
Linguistic Evidence of Historical Ethnic Contacts in the Lower Amur Region (Aleksandr M. PEVNOV) pp.49-56

Comment on the Symposium(Shinko OGIHARA) pp.57-59


【第33号】 平成31年(2019)年3月29日発行   [シンポジウム日程 2018年10月6日〜10月7日]

第33回北方民族文化シンポジウム網走報告書 環北太平洋地域の伝統と文化 3.カムチャツカ半島・千島列島

Proceedings of the 33rd International Abashiri Symposium
Tradition and Culture of North Pacific Rim Area 3 Kamchatka Peninsula and Kuril Islands

A4判 53頁

Sharing Cultural Concepts and Practices in Siberia Through Advanced Digitisation: Towards Multifunctional Archives and Interfaces for Multiple Audiences(Erich KASTEN) pp.1-8

Archeology and History of the Kuril Archipelago in the Light of Methodology of the World-Systems Analysis and the Theory of the Mobile Contact Zone(Alexander VASILEVSKI) pp.9-13

Settlement History and Archaeology of the Kuril Islnds in Regional Context(Ben FITZHUGH)pp.15-24

The Occurrence and Temporal Change in Habitat of the Kuril Ainu:Perspectives from Archaeology(Katsunori TAKASE) pp.25-32

Indigenous Place Names of Northern Kamchatka(Yukari NAGAYAMA)pp.33-35

Typological Features of Itelmen:Genealogical Relationship or Language Contact?(Chikako ONO) pp.37-42

Battle of the Ainu People versus the Russians at Urup Island in 1771(Jun KAWAKAMI) pp.43-48

Modern Japan and the Ainu of the Kurile Islands(Shin'ichi FUMOTO) pp.49-53


【第34号】 令和2年(2020)年3月13日発行   [シンポジウム日程 2019年10月5日〜10月6日]

第34回北方民族文化シンポジウム網走報告書 環北太平洋地域の伝統と文化 4.アラスカ・ユーコン地域

Proceedings of the 34th International Abashiri Symposium
Tradition and Culture of North Pacific Rim Area 4 Alaska and Yukon Are

A4判 52頁

Preface(Toshiro TSUMAGARI)

Research Plan for a Comparative Study of Indigenous Cultures along the North Pacific Rim from a Perspective of Alaska and Northwest Coast Research(Nobuhiro KISHIGAMI) pp.1-6

「ユーコンと地域のファーストネーションズのアート史」(U.ヴァン カンペン)
History of Yukon and Regional First Nations Art(Ukjese VAN KAMPEN) pp.7-14

Integrating Ancient Genetic and Archaeological Patterns for the Peopling of Northeast Asia and the Americas(Ben POTTER) p.15

Microblade Assemblages in Hokkaido and Alaska:Their Similarities and Differences(Yu HIRASAWA) pp.17-23

Comment on the Archaeological Session of the Symposium(Atsuko OKADA) pp.25-26

Relationships between Resource Extraction and Alaska Natives:A Cace of Donlin Gold Project (Shiaki KONDO) pp.27-31

Perspectives of Contemporary Alaska Native Art:Storytelling in a Globalized World(Sakura KORETSUNE) pp.33-37

In Search of Alternative Way of Making Kin:The Futuer of Northern Indigenous Peoples Studies in the Era of “Anthropocene”(Keiichi OMURA) pp.39-40

Legal Background of the Salmon Resource Management by Yukon First Nations:A Comparison with the Current Situation of the Rights of the Ainu People (Hiroya NOGUCHI) pp.41-46

Inland Tlingit and Depicted Animals (Mikako YAMAGUCHI) pp.47-52


【第35号】 令和4年(2022)年3月24日発行   [シンポジウム日程 2021年10月16日〜10月17日]

第35回北方民族文化シンポジウム網走報告書 大林太良・学問と北方文化研究

Taryo Obayashi: His Scholarship and Northern Culture Studies−Symposium Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Dr. Taryo Obayashi’s Death−

A4判 78頁

Preface(KUREBITO Megumi)

「大林太良先生の歴史民族学のルーツ−恩師・岡正雄、石田英一郎、R.ハイネ=ゲルデルンとA.イエンセンらを中心に−」(クライナー ヨーゼフ)
The Roots of Taryo Obayashi’s Historical Ethnology:His Refered Masters Masao Oka,Ei’ichiro ishida,Robert Heine-Geldern Adolf E. Jensen and Others (KREINER Josef) pp.1-9

Ethnicity in China through Peripheral Perspectives: The Dynamics of the Bai People in the Dali Basin, Yunnan (YOKOYAMA Hiroko) pp.14-16

Mythological Studies of Taryo Obayashi (MATSUMURA Kazuo) pp.17-22

Obayashi Taryo’s Legacy (ISHII Masami) pp.23-27

Group Consciousness of Pastoralist Today: An Encounter with the Kazakh Descendants of Chinggis Khaan (CHIMEDYN Shinjilt) pp.29-34

Comments on the Abashiri Symposium (OGIHARA Shinko) pp.35-36

Missions of the National Ainu Museum: In the Study of the Ainu Culture (SASAKI Shiro) pp.37-39

Comparative Studies of Indigenous Cultures along the North Pacific Rim: Research Projects of Taryo Obayashi,Hitoshi Watanabe and the National Museum of Ethnology,japan (KISHIGAMI Nobuhiro) pp.41-46

Reconsideration for the Cultural Theory of te Northern Peoples by Dr.Taryo Obayashi (KATO Hirofumi) pp.47-56

Ethnological Perspectives for the Ancient Emishi and Siberian Studies (TAKAKURA Hiroki) pp.57-64

Role of Chiba University in Northern Culture Studies in Japan (YOSHIDA Atsushi) pp.65-71

Dr. Taryo Obayashi’s Contributions to Northern Studies and Significance from a Linguistic Perspective (KUREBITO Megumi) pp.73-78


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北海道立北方民族博物館 〒093-0042 北海道網走市字潮見309-1 電話0152-45-3888 FAX0152-45-3889
Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples   309-1 Shiomi, Abashiri, Hokkaido 093-0042 JAPAN FAX+81-152-45-3889